Monday, September 12, 2016

My "Back-Up Plan"


Have any of you ever seen the movie "The Back-up Plan" with Jennifer Lopez and Alex O'Loughlin? Well I'm about to live it.

Well, if you haven't seen the movie you should watch it.  I loved it!  It's hilarious.  Here's a synopsis - stolen from the internet:

"Tired of waiting for Mr. Right while her biological clock ticks away, Zoe (Jennifer Lopez) decides it's time to make an appointment at the sperm bank. On the same day as her procedure, she meets Stan (Alex O'Loughlin), a man with the potential to be her ideal mate. When Stan learns that Zoe's unpredictable behavior is the result of her pregnancy, he declares his commitment. As the due date approaches, both lovers realize that they really don't know each other without a baby in the picture."

Heres the you tube link to "The Back-up Plan:"

Ok...well...not living the whole "Knight in shining armor rolling up on a white horse" part but "the tired of waiting on Mr. Right while my biological clock ticks away and making an appointment at the sperm bank" part is where I come in.

I'm 37 years young scraping 38 in the next few months.  Growing up, I always thought that by now I would have already been married with two point five children, a dog, the house with the white picket fence, the career and the whole shebang. Unfortunately life had other plans for me.  No children YET, not married...YET!!!  Matter-of-fact...still SINGLE.  However, career driven - RN for 8 years, recently completed graduate studies and now I'm happy to say I'm a Nurse Practitioner, oh...and I have a dog.  So 2 out of 6 is what...33.333333..% of my aspirations?  Not bad...I guess, since I'm one third the way there.

After a few failed relationships and or dating men who are not ideal to have children with, don't want to have children or at 40-years-old tells me he wants to wait 10 more years at which time I'll be almost 50 and probably menopausal or pushing menopause by then.  How selfish of them to want to date a woman who wants to have children at an age where her biological clock sounds like a drum thumping away in her head like a loud roar of thunder.  They don't seem to understand that while they can wait as long as ever...well almost or quite a while, we can't.  After age 35 our biological clock starts to count down and pregnancy becomes high risk with higher chances of having children with downs syndrome and such. An yes I know that with advances in technology such as assisted reproduction women can get pregnant and have children later on in life.  I know, I'm an OB nurse and the oldest patient I've had having a child for the first time was 52-years-old.  No offense to those women, I applaud you for making that choice, however, for me, personally,  I want to have a child at an age where I can still have the energy to chase a toddler around the house and when my child starts college I'm not in a retirement home.

Thus...The Back-up Plan was set forth in motion

As of September 9th, 2016, the process that has been weighing on me and eating away at me for years, has began.  My maternal instincts kicked in since the age of 28 and here I am, almost 10 years later, taking steps to fulfill that dream.  Love can happen at any age but having a child can't.  I've always told my friends and family that I want to be a mother more than I want to be a wife.

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